10 tips for the ultimate hike to Preikestolen

10 tips for the ultimate hike to Preikestolen

Text: Anne Bloksgaard Nielsen Published 14.12.2022

Look forward to experiencing a hike that is on every hiker or nature enthusiast's bucket list: Preikestolen in the idyllic Fjord Norway, just east of Stavanger.

When people talk about the unique rock formation by Lysefjord, most imagine the feeling of standing atop Preikestolen's spectacular plateau – but the journey up and down through the beautiful mountainous landscape offers a wealth of experiences that make the hike a memory for life.

Here are 10 tips for your hike to Preikestolen that will give you an extraordinary hiking experience.

1. Take your time to enjoy the hike

Of course, Preikestolen itself is the ultimate goal of your hike – but we recommend setting aside more than the 4 hours that is the official duration of the round trip. This way, you have plenty of time to enjoy the fantastic landscape that unfolds around you along the way.

2. Pack a good lunch

Prepare a delicious packed lunch with a combination of energy-boosting food and snacks to enjoy when you take breaks at one of the many rest areas along the route. Here, you can truly soak in the nature while resting your legs and recharging for the next stage of the hike.

3. Notice the plants around you

And speaking of soaking in nature – remember to notice even the smallest plants around you. The mountains in Western Norway have a wonderfully varied plant life – see if you can spot one of the small reddish carnivorous plants of the sundew family.

4. Drink from the crystal-clear mountain springs

Once you've drunk all the water in your bottle, you can refill it from one of the many babbling mountain springs you encounter along the way. The cold water tastes even better knowing it comes directly from the rocks in the landscape you are exploring.

5. Take a dip or cool your feet along the way

If you want even more water on your hike, pack swimwear and a towel in your backpack and take a dip in the three mountain lakes Tjødnane, located about halfway through the hike. Or how about giving your hardworking feet a refreshing cool down in a stream while you rest?

6. Appreciate the amazing stonework that created the path you're walking on

Take a moment to admire how carved rock pieces have been placed in a complex puzzle to form the path that takes you to the top. It was made by Nepalese Sherpas – and is built using the same technique as in the Himalayas!

7. Enjoy the ultimate nature experience

It is tempting to only think about reaching the top when you have a specific goal for your hike – but it would be a shame not to take the time to experience the changing landscape you pass through along the way. The hike goes through forests, across meadows and wetlands, past streams, up and down steep rocks, and over a mountain plateau before you can walk the last few hundred metres out onto Preikestolen's flat top. Enjoy how the light plays on trees, plants, moss, and rocks around you, and feel how your gaze stretches out when a gap in the trees or a bend around a corner offers you an endless view of Lysefjord, mountains, and valleys around you.

8. Make your own coffee at the top

Freshly brewed coffee tastes so much better than what you bring in a thermos – and it tastes best when brewed over a Trangia stove in the great outdoors. Reward yourself with a steaming hot cup of coffee brewed right on Preikestolen when you reach the top and can enjoy one of the world's best views.

9. Take plenty of photos along the way

It almost goes without saying – but make sure to take plenty of photos along the way. Every stage of the hike offers new scenes of rocks, plants, and views, and often it's the small beautiful or quirky details that help create the final collage of images when you later recount the hike to family or on Instagram.

10. Prepare well for the hike

To have a good hike, all the practicalities naturally need to be in order. You can get a range of good advice on clothing, footwear, packing, and safety from Visit Norway here. And once the practicalities are sorted and the ferry ticket is booked – just look forward to the adventure!